Services Offered
Their GMAT preparation program stands out with 13 distinct course options, including an intensive crash course for accelerated preparation. The program features 15 comprehensive full-length mock tests, each accompanied by detailed video solutions and advanced analytics to track progress and identify areas for improvement.
The firm’s MBA admissions consulting services are equally thorough, encompassing detailed essay assistance, strategic application planning, and comprehensive interview preparation. These services are available in both standard and guarantee packages, with the latter offering a fee-back guarantee based on specific admission and scholarship outcomes. Their specialized consulting services extend beyond traditional MBA programs to include focused guidance for MiM, MSF, MIS, and EMBA applications, demonstrating their versatility in graduate education consulting.
A standout feature is their structured MBA interview preparation module, which follows a systematic four-step approach designed to help candidates craft compelling narratives and develop a strong interview presence. This comprehensive preparation ensures candidates can effectively articulate their experiences and aspirations while maintaining authenticity and confidence during crucial admission interviews.